Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Pantheon Review: Heroes

One of the best pantheons in the game regardless of where you are in the meta, the Heroes offer high strength to your box and there is always room for duplicates. While their leader skills are heavily unfavored in today's meta, they make for very sought after subs for any row based team. In addition, buffs to the pantheon are coming around, and if Revo Panda's buffs are indicative of relative strength, we can assume that the Revos for the rest of the pantheon can be equally useful. While the entire pantheon has a row heart bind clear, they are also bindable which makes them less reliable, but still helpful.

For my grading scale, I will use ABCD grades as follows:

A: This is really good, and is quite a strong addition to any box.
B: Has good applications where needed, and offers your box flexibility.
C: Primarily niche or very situational, but great where applicable.
D: Offers very little to your box, you'd have to scrape really hard to find a use.

Yamato has been a staple for any fire row team. All of Yamato's awakenings are relevant to a fire row team, having 3 skill boosts, 3 fire rows, a SBR, and even a time extend. Yamato also has a row heart for bind clear if you need it as well. There are few teams that wouldn't take Yamato as a sub or as a skill inherit, and his typing of God, Dragon, and Attacker make him suitable for niche teams like Raoh or even Ronia, if you are still somehow running her in 2017. Other teams he would contribute heavily to are Split Rodin, Revo Minerva, Krishna, or even row-based Shivadra teams. Breaking wood to fire and dark to hearts is relatively safe for most fire teams, so his inherit becomes very useful for teams like Tsubaki or Dantalion as well. Can also be leader paired with Goemon swipe teams if necessary.

Skill Value: A
Lead Value: C+
Sub Value: A+
Awakenings: A+
Overall Value: A


Andromeda has become an instant staple for any water box, with her array of useful awakenings that are notably 3 water rows, 2 SBR, and a time extend. She also carries a random TPA awakening and a row heart, which can be useful from time to time. With the rise of Meri (and split Blodin to an extent) as a team needing double SBR, Andromeda is a must-have sub to hit 100% SBR. Her skill turns fire to water and lights to hearts, and like Yamato there are few teams that cannot use Andromeda, like Revo Hermes or Awoken Sun Quan. For the majority of other water based teams, her skill is an extremely useful double orb change that benefits teams like Summyr, Sumire, Sarasvati, and Meri/Blodin who could always use hearts to stay healthy.

Skill Value: A-
Lead Value: C+
Sub Value: A
Awakenings: A+
Overall Value: A-

Double SBR is a thing again.

Perseus has been one of my staple slots on wood row teams for SBR and utility. While he only has 2 rows, he makes up for it for having 2 SBR, 2 SB, and 2 TE to balance your team out, and a utility row heart as well. With Revo Astaroth looking to be very strong, Perseus' skill is a no brainer for inheritance either as a skill enhance for Astaroth herself or attached to one her subs like GValk or Leeza. Since his skill breaks water to wood and fires to heal, he cannot be used for Artemis/Balboa and has reduced effectiveness for Acala, but the skill remains heavily useful for any other wood team, like Revo Parvati, Kaede, ALB, or Revo Meimei. In addition, ALB and Perseus make a wood heavy bicolor when used together, and is a must have for any ALB swipe team that needs SBR coverage. Can also make for a substitute leader pairing for ALB.

Skill Value: A-
Lead Value: B-
Sub Value: B
Awakenings: A+
Overall Value: B+

Since more wood teams are often TPA based, Perseus is not as desirable as a sub.

Wukong is one of the best investments I have kept from my early game, and has become a well balanced sub for my light teams with his double orb create. His awakenings include 3 SB, 2 light rows, and a TE, but also includes a row heart for bind clear and a TPA. Wukong breaks water to light and dark to heart, which rarely conflict with light teams, with the exception of Lightning and other light-based rainbow teams. His skill does share a lot of orbs, like DQXQ with dark to light and LAkechi for water to heart, so most likely you would use Wukong's skill on his own. The assortment of teams that would use Wukong as a sub include Tifa/Ilm, Myr, or Revo Venus, and his skill becomes useful for Paimon or Revo Izanagi as a double orb create. I use Wukong mostly on my Row/TPA mixed Myr team, to help with clearing lower floors with TPAs but still contributing well when I need rows for later.

Skill Value: A-
Lead Value: C
Sub Value: A-
Awakenings: A
Overall Value: B+

Wish I kept a dupe for inheritance over himself.

Both of Pandora's evolutions are useful to any box, depending on what you need, but I prefer the Awoken version. Pandora is a strong sub for any dark row team, which has fallen off the meta quite a bit. Dark rows used to be very strong, and can still be utilized for players in the mid to pre endgame. The differences between Pandora's Awoken and ultimate evolution are minimal, namely that the Uvo gets a TPA and another TE, with lower HP and more RCV, and the Awoken getting another Row, a haste attached to her skill, and more HP and less RCV. Pandora's skill breaks wood to dark and lights to heal, which bar her from Revo Vritra and Zuoh(2017?) teams, but in general her skill is great for any dark team. While she contributes less to TPA based teams, she is always a solid choice for a row team. She is also the only Hero to receive a "passable" leader skill, but she has fallen from the meta since and remains a solid leader for newer to midrange players. 

Skill Value: A(U), A+(A)
Lead Value: B-(U), B(A)
Sub Value: A(U), A(A)
Awakenings: A(U), A-(A)
Overall Value: A


Pantheon Total Value: A-

This pantheon is very strong. If this pantheon is also featured alongside another good pantheon during godfest, I would highly recommend pulling even if the featured GFEs aren't 100% favored to your liking.

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