Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Choosing your Odin Split

Who is your daddy, and what does he do?

The new Odin splits make some players question which ultimate to go for, and while both ultimates have their merit, I just want to throw out my opinions and my choice.


  • Unbindable
  • Active can button, poison also great for some dungeons
  • HP multiplier
  • Higher RCV

  • Other leaders do what Rodin does better
  • Weak to gravity

  • Rows for days
  • Higher hp and attack
  • RCV multiplier for lead
  • Button does more damage as a result of higher attack
  • Bindable
  • No HP multiplier
  • No sub attribute

My thoughts: I never run Rodin as a leader, and dungeons where I would use him, I don't care that he may be bindable. They both have 3 SB for button teams, but I prefer having the extra rows to further cement Rodin as a luxury sub. The Physical typing also makes the final floor board sweep in Star Den slightly easier, but I already had no trouble with it. (sorry i only run the slower setup)

Choice: R. "Rowsfordays" Odin


  • Auto heals
  • Strong leader multiplier
  • Higher RCV
  • No offensive awakenings
  • Only used in cheese setups as a lead

  • TPA to be slightly more offensive
  • More HP and Attack, so active heals more
  • 1 more SB
  • Row Heart to unbind without using skill
  • RCV multiplier to support cheese healing
  • No sub attribute
  • Weaker leader multiplier
  • Only 1 Autoheal

My thoughts: I don't use Grodin as a leader anymore, and while the extra RCV is great for inheriting on teams, I rarely need extra RCV anyways. The offensive ult is much more appealing to me, with the Row Heart and extra SB for teams, as well as having better stats for inheriting.

Choice: Ab-less Odin


  • Triple TPA
  • Much higher RCV
  • More damage from boards you can get TPAs and Rows
  • Dark sub attribute
  • HP lead multiplier
  • Bindable
  • Low attack for inherit base on row teams
  • Weak to gravity

  • 4 SB
  • Unbindable
  • Higher base HP and RCV for an inherit base
  • RCV on lead multiplier and higher attack
  • No more TPAs for TPA teams
  • No Physical typing for some teams, or dark sub attribute for some teams
  • lower RCV

My thoughts: This one is a little more dependent on what teams you run, as both ults are pretty nice. I like using split Blodin as a base inherit though, because he has better preferred stats and is also unbindable. I don't run water teams, but Meri makes me consider running one, and Blodin is a luxury and key inherit base sub. 4 SB is also a plus, essentially making him a blue Tengu with a slightly higher base CD.

Choice: Browdin

All Odins share the weakness of not bringing an SBR to teams, and are usually luxury subs or luxury inherits or bases for a lot of teams. As long as you can cover the lack of SBRs, Odins can add good utility and strength to your team and are quite useful for farming teams.

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