Sunday, February 26, 2017

Leader Analysis: Anaphon

Poor Typhon gets pushed to the back for a cute grill to take the spotlight. Anaphon is a good mix between Gremory and Myr, with a more restrictive subpool. With the right subs, Anaphon can be a very stable leader for high end content.

SUBPOOL: The subpool for dark dragon or balanced typing is not very wide. Aside from 6* GFE Gremory and MP Purchases Xin Hua and Yomidra, there are few subs that offer double orb create, with Lead Akechi being the most useful here. The team would be more dependent on SI for orb change, or use single orb changers with orb stalling using Anaphon's good stability.

POTENTIAL: The restrictive typing makes Anaphon hard to approach as a newer player, but veteran players with well developed boxes may find the subs to run Anaphon. Ana can do very consistent damage, and it should be enough for Arena 1 to sweep the later floors. She may lack the damage for content higher than that though, due to lack of OE+ like Myr or the high row multiplier of Gremory.

EFFICIENCY: Like most heart cross leads, Anaphon has varying orb efficiency based on your team setup. Anaphon can be ran with Rows or TPAs, and the stronger your team is the less orbs you should need to deal high consistent damage. Anaphon also brings a board change, but quad color boards are not as good so you will want some way to fix the board (Akechi also turns Anaphon board into a bicolor)

STABILITY: Ana has an HP equivalent of Myr when having the heart cross, but also has an HP multiplier if a heart cross cannot be made. An addition, Anaphon is unbindable and brings a Row heart to unbind the team if needed. The team may be lacking in RCV, so you will want to take as few unshielded hits as necessary.


  1. Ew pls stop reviewing bad heart cross leads kthx

    1. AnaTyphon's rank is quite high amongst jp players
