Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Leader Analysis: Awoken Kushinadahime

Awoken Kush was a pretty cool lead for a couple of weeks. As strong as she is though, she did not fit very well into the current meta and was pushed back pretty quickly. Still, she is one of the more reliable leaders that you can comfortably take killers on, as well as having no skyfall clause to really help control the board.

SUBPOOL: Literally anything will work, though the best subs are TPA wood subs, or subs with bicolor or tricolor boards. Ragnarok Dragon is even a great sub, especially for the killers. It is pretty difficult to find subs that won't fit comfortably on Kushi, except those that change the board unfavorably. Just don't make bad choices in your sub selection.

POTENTIAL: No skyfalls means you need to be able to manipulate the board well, or have good combo skill. A natural board always has around 7-8 combos, and a TPA with the right subs and 8 combo is very strong. A higher skilled player will more likely find better use out of Kushi, as opposed to a newer player with less time extends and power subs. Her frame and lack of recovery do make higher end solo content more like OSOBOS(one shot or be one shot).

EFFICIENCY: Just match as many combos as possible. One wood three match does average damage, so it is highly recommended to match TPAs with max combos to further increase the damage for speed purposes. Otherwise, just go for max combos to get as high a multiplier as possible.

STABILITY: Kushi is for the highly calculating player. She does not take hits and has pretty average recovery, so planning where to use Kushi for her damage reduction skill is important. Although she has a row heart bind clear, it does reduce your amount of combos and so you will want to know if getting that row heart is safe. For higher skilled play, it is possible to cascade your combos after your row heart to continue to do damage with subs as to not get slowed down too much. Kushi's one turn shield is enough for some higher tiered content, but is lacking on longer dungeons with her weaker stall.

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