Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Leader Analysis: Aizen

Very late to write an article on, but I felt like I should cover it anyways.
In a meta where heart crosses and tank teams dominate, Aizen has blindsided the meta and proved that glass cannon leads are quite viable, provided they have the ease of use and stability that Aizen has. Aizen is so strong that many would consider him to be broken, and I hope that Gungho learns from this to balance their new cards first before giving them unreasonable buffs.

SUBPOOL: Dark subs only. Water with dark sub attribute can work as well, but you can also skip the water sub attribute on dark cards since the RCV is already really good. It is hard to find a dark card that does not work on Aizen, save for playing Rowzen and giving people the memes.

POTENTIAL: Tons of damage, and can even do very well without skills. Aizen is already an unconditional 36x before matching a cross, sweeps most floors with one cross, and always sweeps on two crosses. Aizen also fairs very well in higher tiered content, provided you can support his no HP multiplier. Players low and high can find lots of use in Aizen from speed clearing to content clears.

EFFICIENCY: Unconditional 36x is hard to pass up, and can also lead to great damage control. You can use water matches to lower damage, match darks or TPA darks and combos to increase efficiency, and a cross is often enough for most content. Double crosses are seldom used, but you should know when you need them. 

STABILITY: No hp multiplier, but a good RCV multiplier, being unbindable, and can unbind the team is a great plus. Most things come down to "do I have enough HP to tank", and otherwise it is pretty hard to stop Aizen. Since he is so efficient, it is highly recommended to take utility instead of orb creation to cover some of the harder floors of A3, but for most content your HP pool should suffice, granted you aren't attempting content out of your progression.

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