Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Leader Analysis: Suvo Yomidra

I've largely held back on buying Yomidra due to never rolling Eschamali, and that a 36x sparkles lead wasn't too interesting to me at the time. However, Gremory is receiving a buff to include God typing into her LS, so I told myself why not? I have lots of MP laying around anyways. Yomidra is capable of some really consistent damage, and is relatively strong with the Suvo she will be getting sometime this week. Not to mention, you don't have to limit yourself to using dark subs only, as demonstrated by Reco here.

SUBPOOL: God typing to receive the leader skills buffs. As mentioned above, it is not necessary to go on color with Yomidra to deal consistent damage, but a dark focused team is what you want to go for. Subs with both OE+ and TPA can also be useful if you have the orbs, and as long as you can guarantee an OE+ drop it will work.

POTENTIAL: 5 OE+ match is a board I don't usually play, but it is pretty simple to get used to. Yomidra isn't as difficult to play, especially since her damage is quite efficient and consistent. A higher level player will get a lot of use out of Yomidra, whether it be for speed clears of dungeons or easy dungeon spams. It may be difficult for Yomidra in A3 since she has no HP multiplier, but with the right inherits and setup it should be feasible. Otherwise, Yomidra has some really quick clears for content like A1 or similar difficulty dungeons.

EFFICIENCY: A single firework is all Yomidra needs to deal consistent damage. Combined with added combos, it shouldn't be difficult for Yomidra to always have 5 relevant orbs on the board. Her best sub Eschamali can guarantee additional skyfalls to increase efficiency, and as long as there is 1 enhanced orb on the board you can activate. Yomidra herself will supply 4 dark orbs as well if needed, so it is pretty easy to always get an activation. You should only get into a bind if you get full board changed like Beelzebub, but you could always take an active to deal with it.

STABILITY: No HP multiplier, but Yomidra supplies an all important row heart on an unbindable base. She also can provide 4/6 hearts for that row heart, so she can serve as a soft bind clear if needed. Aizen and Meri have proven that no HP leads can be viable, as long as they can deal high consistent damage. While Yomidra doesn't have the ease of use of those leads, she should still be highly competitive in endgame content.

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