Saturday, February 25, 2017

Pantheon Review: Greco Roman

More topics means more writing topics. New article series to examine a pantheon, and examine it as a card in the box and other whatnots. Hopefully makes a good read and sways godfests.

The first pantheon, Greco-Roman, has lasted a long time and has moved up and down from use based on the meta. The Revo forms have become very useful to lots of players, and has always been a quality pantheon.

For my grading scale, I will use ABCD grades as follows:

A: This is really good, and is quite a strong addition to any box.
B: Has good applications where needed, and offers your box flexibility.
C: Primarily niche or very situational, but great where applicable.
D: Offers very little to your box, you'd have to scrape really hard to find a use.

Minerva is quite useful in her Revo ultimate, and her non-Revo skill is a true damage that lets you bypass Zeal in machine dungeons, and also a 50% defense break if necessary for other dungeons. Her main use is leading in Revo, for the damage reduction and a decent multiplier with a pretty easy multiplier. Alternate uses are in cheese teams, but I don't into cheese teams so look elsewhere. Her low CD and unbindability open up options to turn her into a cleric with a bind clear inherit, while her awakenings offer great utility with some offense.

Skill Value: B-
Awakenings: A
Leader Value: B+
Sub Value: B+
Card Value: B+

Neptune is probably one of my least favorite cards in the pantheons, due to my refusal to run water teams and that Neptune is overall, lackluster. While Neptune does have a similar awakening array and leader skill setup to Minerva, water has fewer dangerous bosses when considering his damage reduction. In addition, poison has very few uses, and is on a long CD so inheriting over Neptune is an investment. The damage boost though is quite useful, and is a decent but long inherit for a team that can fully utilize it.

Skill Value: C-
Awakenings: B+
Leader Value: B-
Sub Value: D
Card Value: C

Ceres has quite the strong active skill, in both her pre-awoken state, awoken state, and Ana evolution. A full bind clear on an unbindable card make her a strong cleric, with few offensive awakenings to boot. Her reincarnated form offers everything that you want as a cleric, a row heart, unbindable, and an SBR as well. When considering her for SI, you will want to use her pre-awoken or Ana evolution, and her awoken/reincarnated form as a base for a sub. While not quite as used for her damage reduction capability for cheese, it is still possible.

Skill Value: A-
Awakenings A
Leader Value: C-
Sub Value: A-
Card Value: B

Venus is quite an interesting card, holding CTW in her pre-awoken form, which has diminished in value due to the increased existence of TE awakenings found on many cards. Her awoken skill is a niche mini boost, but has applications for light OE+ teams (lolwut) and serves as an excellent SI base. I personally use her revo on my Myr team which has taken me quite far, due to her good awakening array and base for SI. When paired with herself, she can easily cheese any light dungeon with 96% resist, but I like to think of her as a luxury sub for any team that can take advantage of her offerings.

Skill Value: C+
Awakenings: A-
Leader Value: B-
Sub Value: B
Card Value: B

Back when OSOBOS meta with gravity was a thing, Hades reigned as a key quality card. Nowadays, gravity is considered a niche skill as higher damage leads arose. Hades is quite a terrible card without the skillup investment, but becomes quite useful once you skill it up. In Awoken/Revo though, the CD and skillup investment is greatly decreased, though the 30% gravity is more useful in some places. However, I believe the revo skill is much more useful to players due to the increased time buff, and Hades himself does quite a lot of damage. Hades double pairing works like Venus, and can be used to cheese Hera Dragon descended. Reco carries

Skill Value: B-
Awakenings: B
Leader Value: B-
Sub Value: B-
Card Value: B-

Greco Roman overall is a pretty strong pantheon with many niche applications, and adds good flexibility to your box otherwise, Aside from Minerva, I would say that this pantheon largely serves as good utility subs and inherits

Overall Pantheon Grade: B

Questions? Advice? Want to talk to me? I can usually be found on PadRagnarok's discord server.

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