Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Leader Analysis: Shiva

Shiva is part of one of the earliest pantheons in the game, and has come quite a long way since. His defense void skill was very useful a long time ago, and though nowadays it is less powerful, his reincarnation has given him some new life. Combo leads are always fun to play.

SUBPOOL: Fire subs with TPAs are the best subs here. Shiva already supplies a couple of OE+ so you will want a sub to cover the last one, and then fill out from there. Row subs are less optimal, but as long as the skill is good it will work. In this age of inherits though, it is better to just inherit that skill on top. 

POTENTIAL: Combo leaders are great for learning to play, and high end players should be able to fully activate Shiva all the time. Shiva does very good mid range damage, and fire TPAs with OE+ can do a lot of work. Stacking more fire TPAs help a lot with higher end dungeons, and a good active will certainly let you always activate. 

EFFICIENCY: Like Bastet, you can use just a fire TPA and combos to maximize board use and get good damage. The better your board clear, the better orb efficiency and consistency get. Hitting max combos will usually let you sweep most floors for content that Shiva is good in. 

STABILITY: RCV will help a lot in recovery, but being bindable and no HP multiplier makes the post endgame dungeons more difficult. Standard utility for this kind of team applies, such as bind clear, a heartmaker for safety, and a shield for some of the larger hits.

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