Thursday, February 9, 2017

Leader Analysis: Acala

While the entirety of the Wisdom Kings pantheon turned out to be a bust, Acala stood out as a passable leader and Trailmix as an interesting inherit. A workable variable multiplier, a stat boost, and no trollfall allow Acala to be quite an interesting leader.

SUBPOOL: While Verdandi stands as one of her best subs or as an inherit, any wood sub that doesn't break fires will work. However, good wood subs with many OE+ aren't as numerous outside of the REM, so Acala requires those REM subs to truly shine. Wood also lacks decent utility, but Ras offers a farmable inheritable bind clear and orb create, while those with Grodin Tamazo have a strong bind clear sub. I only recommend Acala to veteran players, and less to newer players since cross leads mess with learning basic combos. TPA subs are somewhat useful when the board has certain amounts of orbs, so don't rule them out.

POTENTIAL: Double cross is enough to carry a lot of damage, but a triple cross is a surefire way to sweep any floor. Landing a double cross may be difficult for newer players, as well as having good subs to support the team, so Acala works better with players with developed boxes. The multiboost also comes in handy, but I usually prefer writing from a solo perspective.

EFFICIENCY: Single cross doesn't do the highest of damage, but the recent buff to include fire as well makes hitting her higher multipliers much more plausible. The max of three crosses is strong enough to clear almost any floor if necessary, and puts dents in radar dragons quite well. However, the orb requirement to do so is pretty high, and triple cross often may limit how many extra combos you will get as well as rolling for a favorable board from Verdandi or a CSonia inherit.

STABILITY: Flat stat boosts help a lot to boost her natural tankiness. Dealing with binds and gravities is Acala's weaknesses, so good recovery on the team is a must. Having a consistent heartmaker or a % health recover can help greatly.